Food Handlers

Food Code

Click here to view Missouri Food Code

Food Manager Being a certified food protection manager who has shown proficiency of required information through passing a test that is part of accredited program. You have a choice of 2 websites but you only have to access one.
Click an image below for the class.

Food Handlers Card

All Food Service Employees, employed in Pettis County,
shall be required to take and pass a “Certified Food Handlers Course”. After receiving your certificate, you will have to bring it over to the Pettis County Heath Center for your Food Handlers Card, the cost will be $5.00.
You have a choice of 2 websites but you only have to access one.
Click on image below for the class.

Inspection Summaries

Inspection reports for food service operations are available for review at the Pettis County Health Center.  Call (660) 827-1130 to schedule an appointment

CDC Raw Milk warning